
Monday, July 2, 2007

Top 10 of my favorite blog directories

There are millions of blog directories out there. If you are really care about you blog traffics, stats, want to be famous or making more friends in the blogosphere, this tips might be useful for you. I've made some short research on this and compiled it together into my top recommended blog directories. There are all free and I promise that you'll never regret. Hehe..

Feel free to submit your blog to my blog directory top lists :-

1. Technorati »

Add to Technorati Favorites

2. BlogFlux »

Technology Blogs - Blog Top Sites

3. BlogTopList »

Technology blogs

4. BlogExplosion »

5. MyBlogLog »

Join Community

6. TopBlogArea »

Technology blogs

7. BlogHub »

Blog Directory & Search engine

8. Blograma »

Blogarama - The Blog Directory

9. Bloggernity »

blog search directory

10. Blog Directory »

Blogdup Blog Directory

How about you? Do you have any great place to promote your blog? Just drop a comments if you have some. :)

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