
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Blogger - Save and backup your template

It is really important to backup your blogger template. Whether you’d like to add some HTML code or some cool widget in the code area, this thing you should not leave it behind. Or you will be end up with a frustration feeling. Hehe..

Ok, this is how you can easily backup your blog template. (From now on, I’ll be posting a blogger tips for both versions – classic and new blogger)

For Classic Blogger

Go to Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML. You will see some HTML code page (inside the frame). Click inside the frame, select all (Ctrl+A), and then copy (Ctrl+C). See image below:-

Open a blank Notepad file and paste (Ctrl+V) it right there. Save your file as mybackuptemplate.txt or anything you want. DONE.

Note: To use the backup template (restore), simply copy the backup code and paste it inside the frame (replace the current template).

For New Blogger

Go to Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML. You will see something like below:-

Click on Download Full Template and it will save your template into hard drive with the .xml extension. Rename it as mybackuptemplate.xml. DONE.

Note: To use the backup template, simply click the Browse button, locate your saved file (.xml) and click the Upload button.

Right now, you shouldn’t be worry if something terrible happen on your blog HTML code while you are working on it.

That’s all for today. Yeahh!!

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