
Friday, September 7, 2007

Illustrator Tutorial - Pen tool tips (video & links)

Hmm..a lot of you guys has come to my blog when you are searching on Illustrator Pen Tool tips via Google. Yea..of course you'll landing on my Illustrator pen tool's tutorial page, but somehow, I think that the guideline on that tutorial was not enough.

I have googling somewhere and have found 2 links for you to practice the Pen Tool. It is a very basic tutorial and very useful for a beginner (like me..hehe). Ok, check out these tutorials:-

1. Basic Drawing with Adobe Illustrator's Paths & Pen tool by Kevin Hulsey

In this tutorial, he will teach you a basic lesson in the use of the Illustrator Pen tool and it's ability to create shapes and curves. Other than that, he will tell you a basic usage of every elements in Pen Tool including the "Plus" pen tool, "Minus" pen tool, stroke, fill and so on. At the end of this tutorial, you should know on how to draw a Bézier curve.

2. Illustrator: The Pen Tool by Toni Toland (video)

This tutorial is the most recommended Illustrator pen tool tutorial from me. You will learn every single function on a Pen Tool on just a few minutes. Yea..just a minutes. He will teach you on how to draw a curve, corner, corner + curve and reverse curve.

Beside that, you will know on how to add, delete and convert the anchor points in the image that you have just created. By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to understand each function in the Pen Tool and draw a perfect curve.

However, you need a high speed internet connection to view this page. All the videos was totally embedded into that page and really take a lot times to load.


I just found this great Illustrator pen tool tutorial video from Youtube. Let's practice!

I think that's all for now. Remember, practice make perfect. The Illustrator Pen Tool knowledge and skills will become very important when you want to trace some photo. Maybe next time I will discuss about it.



  1. I currently learning Vector art but I use Photoshop CS2 9.01 for it..I heard Adobe Illustrator is better for that..I just couldn't find it and torrent now limited by TMNet damn..

    Don't forget to add some Photoshop tips as well ;p

  2. Thanks four suggestion dude...I'll try to add some Photoshop tutorial in the future..

  3. hic, i don't understand what's different between Vector in Photoshop and in AI.

  4. When should i use Vector in Photoshop, and when in AI? Because, when i open a new file, i can choose Color mode is CMYK or RGB. Help me please ..

  5. @tienvinh8x,

    Both Photoshop and AI was a powerful program to create a stunning effects in graphics design.

    IMO, Photoshop is more on photo manipulating tools. Yea, it can create a vector shape too but it's really difficult (for newbie) to customize them (resize, crop, coloring, etc)

    As for me, grew up using AI made me more convenience using it. It's all depends on which program you are familiar in.

    By the way, if you're familiar with both of them (and other tools) then I should respect you as a well-knowledge graphics designer.

    Good luck and happy designing!!!

