
Monday, September 3, 2007

Google Hacks - Hacks or cracks?

Maybe some of you already know about this software. Ok, I copy/paste it directly from their website. Take a look of this release note:-

"Google Hacks is a compilation of carefully crafted Google searches that expose novel functionality from Google's search and map services. For example, you can use it to view a timeline of your search results, view a map, search for music, search for books, and perform many other specific kinds of searches. You can also use this program to use google as a proxy." my opinion, the purpose of developing this software is to protect your web server from the attackers that use search engines as a hacking tool against your resources or data.

Well, I have nothing to worry right now because I don't have my own website/server. I don't know about you guys out there. I've installed this software (image above) and try to search some file, and the results was awesome. Awesome? Yeahh..because a lot of webmasters out there didn't protect their files on their server. I can easily access the root folder (index of / "parent directory") and download some "interesting stuffs". Hehe.. Besides, some of them was just shared their folder on purpose.

By the way, I've a few tips to share in order to protect you root file or folder. It's just a common way to protect your server. The .htaccess file.

I've googling somewhere and found this tutorials. It might be useful for you to protect your web directories.

Check out these websites:-
Another alternative that you can use is by using The "Google Hack" Honeypot.

I think that's all for today. Feel free to download the Google Hacks.

Note: Please do not use this program for illegal uses.

Update: Other similar services are Google to person and Googaal.

Credits: Raymond.CC

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